An interesting proof perfect of the gender pay gap

One of the reasons that men and women get paid different amounts - on average and across the range of all jobs - is because women are more sensible than men. There’s more to life than grinding away for gelt and pilf and women tend to balance their pursuit of such with those other interests in a different manner from many men. More of those other things that the gilt and pelf that is.

Given that employers are there to profit from labour, not the balanced life - it’s difficult for an employer to make money from such activities outside the workplace after all - this leads to men preferentially, and as always on average and in general, gaining access to those higher paid jobs where more dedication to the gelt and pilf is desired by said employers.

Which brings us to this:

Two women have sued Twitter for sex descrimination during sweeping layoffs of thousands of staff orchestrated by billionaire owner Elon Musk.

The former female staff members have brought an unfair dismissal claim against the tech company, arguing more women were laid off than men by Mr Musk.

In a court filing, the former staff claimed Mr Musk had unfairly demanded staff commit to “extremely hardcore” working hours, despite knowing this would force mothers and female caregivers to quit.

Lawyers for the claimants said: “Elon Musk would certainly have known that these policy changes and expectations would have a disproportionate impact on women, who are more often caregivers for children and other family members, and thus not able to comply with such demands.”

Leave aside all of the oughts and shoulds. This is exactly the same story as that gender pay gap one. Because women are more sensible they’ll not devote their lives to mere gilt and pelf and therefore demands that a workforce do so are gender discriminatory.

We can add back in those oughts and should bes if we wish but we do need to also conduct that analysis of the is. Some part of the gender pay gap - across the population and on average - is because of these different gender preoccupations - on average and across the population - with amassing gilt and pelf rather than the more interesting things in life.


Our preference is that nothing whatsoever be done about this. On the basis that we’re liberals. The aim of this whole let’s have a civilisation game is that more folk get to have more of what folk want. So, the correct outcome is whatever the interactions of those tens of millions for a country, or billions for us all, lead to as long as that basic aim is met - more folk getting to gain more of what folk want.

Men and women - on average and across the population - have slightly different work habits and desires about work. Men and women - across the population and on average - gain different amounts of cash from their work.



If you force people to do it, you've given the game away


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