Stop taxing the poor so damn much
Given our greybeard status one of the things we’ve learnt is that bad policy, bad economics, keeps returning like the acid reflux after a bad curry.
What? Really? People change their behaviour because of taxes? Sirsly?
No, no, there must be some mistake here. We all know that people called upon to proffer up their mere fair share to the common weal don’t change their behaviour in order to dodge that righteous gifting.
Oh Dear - The Civil Service doesn’t grasp Parkinson
Every government tries to hack back at the Civil Service. Given that every government does try to hack back the Civil Service then, according to the media aimed at the Civil Service, this proves that hacking at the Civil Service doesn’t work:
It’s not the EU we’re against it’s the idea of the EU
Or, to be more exact and precise, this specific idea of the European Union that strikes us as wrong:
Are these people actively mad?
Could be, could be: Gatwick airport is preparing to reject government demands for it to guarantee that the majority of passengers using its proposed new runway will arrive by train.
Jason Hickel seems to think this is a criticism
Hickel writes: What's striking about capitalist civilization is that it has no real direction. There's no vision for social progress, no commitment to improving human welfare or ecology. All we get is the chaos of profit-oriented production and accumulation as the world burns around us.
All tax systems tend to the Laffer Peak - or over
This is not a proof, this is a musing. But we have a strong feeling that all tax systems tend to their Laffer Curve peak.
Getting economics the wrong way around
This is to get the whole point of economics the wrong way around:
Aren’t free markets just the most fantabulous?
Apparently, when private equity capitalism goes wrong it’s the consumers that benefit:
Increasing cigarette taxes lowers the cost of cigarettes
This will not be the most intuitively obvious of contentions but you’ll get it once explained. Increasing the cigarette, or tobacco, tax reduces the price of cigarettes or tobacco.
Mazzonomics isn’t going to work, is it?
The base idea enshrined in the theories of Professor Mazzucato is that the Man from Whitehall does know best. What should be produced, how it should be produced and by whom it should be produced.
Required; the one word explaining Britian’s building misery
In a piece about how the plan - by defining as flood plain and therefore making flood insurance impossible - has just killed off Ell Pie Island, we see this: