Babes, sucklings and Tory Cabinet Ministers

The Good Book tells us that out of the mouth of babes and sucklings comes strength and or praise, dependent upon the vintage of the part of the book we consult. At which point give us strength at this from a Tory Cabinet Minister:

We’ve waived import duties on medical equipment so the NHS can get supplies faster and more cheaply.

Great that other countries, including the United States and New Zealand are taking similar steps.

Important we work together to keep trade flowing.

Excellent, we can praise that specific action. And yet, why does the Trade Secretary support import duties that make supplies to the NHS slower and more expensive in normal times? Why, in those non-pandemic eras, does the government actively conspire to make that national religion, the health service, worse and the burden of paying for it heavier?

Within the proverbs of economics it is well known that the only fair trade is free trade, that the only rational policy stance is unilateral free trade. It seems something of a pity to have an unbeliever appointed to be the high priest of the process itself.


Catching up fast


George Monbiot doesn't actually understand what a market is, does he?