Blow up the Green Belt. Proper blow up. Entirely Kablooie

From James O’Malley on Twitter:

Something I didn’t fully realise until I saw this map just now is that the Green Belt doesn’t include most of the countryside - it’s actually almost laser-focused on strangling our most important cities.

It’s not just laser-focused, that’s the entire point.

It’s rather nice to be able to live looking out over rolling acres - without the cost of actually having to buy or own them - and still be able to commute into those vibrant city centres where upper middle class incomes are made. So, the law is there to ensure that upper middle class types may have that house looking out over rolling acres - without the costs of buying them - and still be able to commute into those vibrant city economies.

That the rest of us can’t live in housing we’d like to live in located where we’d like to live is just that collateral damage that has to be suffered to provide that rolling acre benefit to the few. What did you think this is, an economic democracy?

There is the obvious solution to this as well. Blow up the Town and County Planning Act 1947 and successors. Proper blow up, entirely Kablooie. At which point housing that Britons wish to live in can be built where Britons wish to live. Which is, we insist, rather the point of any sensible planning system to be applied to Britain.

Damn the would be gentry and blow up the Green Belt, proper blow up, entirely Kablooie.


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