But why do we want to entice people out of their cars?

Something we don’t understand:

After two years of Covid-driven decline in public transport use and increasing automobile traffic globally, what can governments do to entice people out of their cars?

Why would we want to do this?

Yes, of course, we understand the climate change argument about emissions. We grasp the one about urban pollution from tailpipes too. We’re not sure we wholly agree with either argument but we do grasp what they are. We’re also absolutely certain that folk like autonomous transport, that which allows the ability to travel from anywhere to anywhere, anywhen.

So, assuming we can solve those two claimed pollution problems then why would we want to get people out of cars?

And society does at least claim to have a method of solving those two pollution problems, electric vehicles. Which is where we get confused. If we’ve already got that solution which we’re paying billions upon tens of billions to put into effect then why is there also this push to solve that problem already solved at such expense?

Of course, no one would possibly be using climate change, or urban pollution, as some excuse to remake society in some collective direction. It would be absurd to place the entire mobility of society in the hands of public sector unions, of course it would, unless there was no other possible solution to our problems.

So, given that no one would hide their motives, nor deliver us into economic bondage, in that manner just why would we want to tease people out of their cars? We’ve already solved the problem with EVs.

What is it that we’re not grasping here? If EVs don’t solve the problem then why are we bothering, if they do then why do anything else?


Net zero doesn't mean that aviation needs to be zero


Adieu ASI!