Clearly, the only sensible answer is to privatise Scottish Water

From The Guardian:

Sewage pollution of Scotland’s rivers and beaches is far more widespread than realised because ministers have failed to take the problem seriously, an environment watchdog has found.

Environmental Standards Scotland (ESS) said there were thousands of sewage overflow incidents last year, and that nearly half of the country’s storm overflows released sewage more than 50 times.

Of those, a third released sewage at least 100 times, and four sites more than 500 times. Few of these incidents were publicly disclosed; most failed to be justified as exceptional.

“It is clear that some sites spill much more frequently than should be expected”,” the agency said, with human health and the environment put at risk. Unlike in England, where nearly all outflows are monitored, only 8% of Scotland’s are checked.

As is well known it is only possible to manage what is measured. The English water companies do measure those sewage overflows. They’ve a lower level of such overflows than Scotland - according to the incomplete information currently available - and also a better record of reducing them in recent decades.

Therefore, obviously, the correct solution is to privatise Scottish water.

Glad we could help here.

Tim Worstall


Are we being gaslit* by the Secretary of State?