Even The Guardian can't be this ill-informed, can it?

It would appear that, yes, The Guardian can be this ill-informed. Ill-informed to the point of idiocy:

With their huge monopoly markets and guaranteed rates of return, California utilities are attractive businesses for investors.

They’re talking about PG&E here. They also mention:

PG&E made shutting down its grid in dry, windy weather a core part of its wildfire management strategy in 2018, after the company faced $30bn in liabilities for their role in sparking two of the deadliest and costliest fires in California history. PG&E filed for bankruptcy shortly after.

Bankruptcy is not normally thought of as attractive to investors. We could also note that PG&E was bust between 2001 and 2004 as well.

Bankruptcy twice in two decades is attractive to investors? Seriously Guardian, get a grip.


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