Facebook needs to learn that once you've paid the Dane the grift never stops

We can’t say that we‘re surprised here at all:

Facebook has announced new efforts to combat climate crisis misinformation on its platform, including by expanding its climate science center to provide more reliable information, investing in organizations that fight misinformation, and launching a video series to highlight young climate advocates on Facebook and Instagram.

But critics say the new push, announced on Thursday, falls short and will allow vast amounts of climate misinformation to slip through the cracks.

Facebook has long been criticized for allowing misinformation about the climate crisis to proliferate on its platform.

Once censorship starts happening then everyone with a misconception to push - or a truth they’d like to see denied - will be piling in to get their favoured lies declared to be the truth. So, any system that does succumb to that “public” pressure to stop certain viewpoints being promulgated will face an ever growing army at the gates insisting upon yet more of that censorship. We’d not be in the slightest surprised to find that entirely mainstream views are now included as that misinformation. One of us is actually listed as something akin to a climate denier for agreeing with the Stern Review on what we should do about climate change.

We’d go further than this as well and point out that once you’ve paid the Dane you’ll not get rid of the Dane:

Khoo, of Friends of the Earth, argued Facebook could do far more. “For a company that makes $85bn a year, a $1m program that outsources the problem they’ve created shows that Facebook is not serious about solving climate disinformation,” he said.

Ah, yes, spend more than $1 million a year on Khoo and his friends and you might be able to achieve peace. For the moment.

It never does actually work, does it?


Just how many problems is it that would be solved by fracking?


Prices really are information you know