How did Paul Mason get a job as an economics editor?

We realise that Paul Mason has stopped posing as an economics editor and is now positioning himself as a campaigning intellectual but really, how did he get that former job in the first place?

The danger is that there will be more retreats from transnational collaboration. When policymakers study the period between Invergordon and Hitler’s 1933 election victory, what they learn is this: in the 1930s, those who abandoned the global system first recovered first. The most depressing graph in economic history is of unemployment in Germany after Hitler takes power. It falls from 5.5 million in 1932 to half a million six years later. It shows the nationalist right has answers that, in the short term, often work better than those offered by democrats and globalists.

More normally Mason tells us that we should be borrowing lots so as to invest in infrastructure and thus provide a fiscal stimulus to the economy. Simple straight Keynesianism of course. and while we don't think that simple straight Keynesiansim is all that good an idea we wouldn't think of it as a preserve of the nationalist right.

For of course that is what Hitler did, borrowed the heck out of everything and spent the money on infrastructure (those autobahns as well as the Wermacht) which provided a fiscal stimulus to the economy. We don't generally call this Keynesianism because the great man hadn't written his book at the beginning of this policy so no one knew what they were doing. But it is what old toothbrush moustache did.

No, this isn't to call Keynesian stimulus a fascist or Nazi policy, even though it was one used by the Nazis. Rather, we're just puzzled by a former economics editor calling a policy he himself espouses some answer known only to that nationalist right.

Our assumption is that Mason simply doesn't know what he's talking about here which is why our question in the headline. How did he get a job as an economics editor?


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