How gloriously better Britain is becoming

It is a standard delusion over to the left of us - which is, we agree, on some matters rather a large part of the spectrum, that lefter than us - that what really ails society is inequality. If only that could be reduced then just everything would improve.

That this contention is nonsense has been ably shown by Chris Snowdon in his The Spirit Level Delusion where he picks apart the foundational document of the error.

However, let us take it seriously, the contention, just for a moment. What should be the reaction of those who claim to believe this to these two stories?

Britain is fast losing its reputation as a hub for wealthy investors and businesspeople, with hundreds more millionaires leaving last year.

In 2022 a further 1,400 high-net-worth individuals, defined as those with wealth in excess of $1 million, left Britain, according to data from Henley & Partners, the citizenship advisory firm. There are thought to be about 737,000 such millionaires in the UK currently.


A Brussels raid on the City of London has pushed the number of millionaire bankers in the European Union to a record high.

The European Banking Authority (EBA), the bloc’s industry watchdog, said Brexit-related relocations increased the number of bankers earning more than €1m (£900,000) in the EU by two fifths in 2021.

Both high wealth and high income people are leaving our verdant and silver girt shores for other places. This must, by definition, mean that Britain is becoming less unequal by both income and wealth measures.

If it is true that lowering inequality makes things better then Britain is better as as result of both of these movements of people. Further, both of these should be welcomed by those inequality mitherers as being the good news that the country is improving.

As and when you see anyone doing so - high fiving over the productive and wealthy leaving the country - let us know. For that would mean we have found at least the one person who really does believe this theory that inequality is all that matters. The corollary also holds: the lack of such celebrations would indicate either a lack of true belief or, possibly, an ignorance of their own theory. And it simply cannot be true that so much noise about policy is driven by those who do not understand, or possibly believe, the theory being advanced, can it? Therefore there must be those mass celebrations happening. But where?


Please, do make up your minds


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