Mancur Olson was right you know

A basic contention of Mancur Olson was that democratic politics becomes just an almighty catfight among special interests to get snouts in pots. Hmm, perhaps dedicated public servants arguing that it is they and their specialty which is the solution to our ills.

Same difference.

As with this listing of what needs to be done about the NHS. Taking them in order, the bloke who thinks that society must be upturned to reduce inequality thinks that society must be upturned, inequality reduced, in order to save the NHS. The lady from the professional union for general practitioners thinks more should be spent upon general practitioners. The GP who actually works in community care thinks more should be spent upon community care. The bloke from the professional union for local government authorities thinks local government authorities should have more money.

My, perhaps Our, isn't there are lot of thinking outside the box there? 

Or, you know, Mancur was right?


Freedom's Fighters 2 – Daniel Hannan MEP


Freedom’s Fighters 1 – Mark Littlewood