One of those interesting political promises

This is not an attempt to diss a particular political party. It is, rather, to examine what is being proposed:

Labour promises 1.5m more homes in its first term – affordable homes, social housing and new towns – with planning reforms to stop nimbys blocking building.

We, of course, would be delighted if there were 1.5 million more homes. We’d probably mutter that if there were that many new ones then they don’t, in fact, need to be affordable nor social. For if supply is increased that much then all homes will become more affordable. Rather the point of the exercise we’d hope.

But OK, nice ambition. But we’d go that one step further in examining it. Given the current planning laws there is no possibility whatsoever of gaining that amount of new housing in one 5 year parliamentary term. For it takes about 5 years from gleam in the eye of a builder eyeing up a green field to the removal vans arriving with the new furniture. Which means that substantial reforms to the planning process are required to be able to do this.

But if there are substantial reforms to the planning process to enable this to happen then the problem is already solved - we’ve reformed the planning system so that large volumes of new housing can be built. Huzzah!

The British housing problem really does come down to that planning process. Reform that (we suggest blowing the entire system up, properly kablooie!) and the problem is solved. This suggested solution will require planning reform. So, good, let’s do that, let’s reform planning.

Hey, we’re even willing to consider that there might be some loose ends that will then also need tidying up. But let’s crack that core problem first then see what else needs doing.


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