Seems perfectly reasonable politics to us

Tobacco firms are lobbying MPs and peers in an effort to derail Rishi Sunak’s flagship policy to phase out smoking, the head of Britain’s biggest cancer charity has said.

A change in the law is suggested. Those both in favour of that new law, those not so, then talk to politicians to suggest why a yes or no vote should be suggested.

That is how politics works in a democracy, no? The Peeps - all The Peeps, whether as individuals or groups - get to have their say?

Mitchell told the Guardian that the “world-leading” legislation was “the most important public health policy shift I can remember” and could “see the blight of tobacco removed” from society for ever.

Smoking is the single biggest cause of cancer in the UK and worldwide and causes at least 15 different types of the disease, she said. But the proposals to bring in a smoking ban for the next generation were being privately undermined by tobacco companies.

“We know the tobacco industry is working quite hard to dilute the bill,” Mitchell said. “MPs and peers have briefed us that members of the tobacco industry are seeking to make arguments [against] and amendments to the bill as it goes through the passage of parliament.”

What isn’t democratic about this?

Are we supposed, instead, to have a system where the Prime Minister says so and then it happens? Without discussion, reference to those affected?

Well, yes, that is the line being put forward here. That opposition to the declaration by the technocracy is in itself evil. Which does, as we say, seem to be missing the point about that democracy and the consultation of the people part.

As it happens we think the combined rules - about smoking itself and then also about that substitute, vaping - being suggested are so insanely stupid as to be verging upon evil. It’s entirely obvious - to us at least - that the black market will expand, tobacco will become cheaper in real terms and this will increase the smoking rate. As has happened in Australia.

But this idea that no one should be allowed to have a word with politicians about how stupid this is - that actually is evil.


Let's explain again why rent controls are a bad idea


A problem with having a truly democratic economy