Sadly, this won't work in economics, no

A reasonable enough idea here but it's not, we're sorry to say, one that will actually work in economics. The point being that the weathermen - the people economists were put on this Earth to make look accurate - have improved their forecasts by being less specific about them. So, would this work in economics?

The opposite has happened. The ensemble approach has helped improve accuracy: Scientists can now predict weather as well over 4 days as they used to over one day. This has increased public confidence in forecasts, which now inherently include a range of possible outcomes rather than pushing false belief in a single outcome. Oddly, better knowledge has come about by emphasizing doubt and uncertainty at every step.

This can work in economics as well. The Bank of England, for example, has adopted the ensemble approach in its forecasts, always laying out a range of possibilities rather than just one prediction. 

This would work in one sense in that sure, the economy is chaotic, complex, and it's near impossible to produce a point answer to any question about it. So, produce a range and we'll do better .GDP next year will be within 10% of GDP this year, that's near certainly true for example.

In another and much more important sense this won't work. For it obliterates the possibility of using economics to do what so many people wish - manage society. It shouldn't come as a shock or a surprise that there are plenty of people out there who insist that if just their policy were enacted then this would be nirvana. Perhaps the latest being the Modern Monetary Theory people, who state that government should just print as much money as it likes, spend it then control inflation through taxes. 

If we now insist that actually, we cannot provide point answers to any questions about the economy, only a range, that rather destroys the ability to fine tune taxation to beat inflation, doesn't it? We're asking for operations at a level of detail we've just admitted we cannot even predict, let alone manage.

Which is why there will be so many against this rather sensible idea. For those insistent upon economic management are never going to want to admit that we don't actually know, and cannot, the outcomes of their management. Which is a bit of a barrier to implementing such management plans, isn't it? 


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