Sorry about this but we'll just have to close down the NHS

As we all know racism is the ultimate sin of our times. Nothing that is racist, in any form, can be allowed to persist. Capitalism is racist - according to some - so that’ll have to go. Britain itself is racist so that’s got to be overturned. The language is racist, attitudes are racist, insititutions are, all must be scrubbed and rebuilt entirely anew:

Radical action is needed urgently to tackle “overwhelming” minority ethnic health inequalities in the NHS, leading experts have said, after a damning study found the “vast” and “widespread” inequity in every aspect of healthcare it reviewed was harming the health of millions of patients.

Racism, racial discrimination, barriers to accessing healthcare and woeful ethnicity data collection have “negatively impacted” the health of black, Asian and minority ethnic people in England for years, according to the review, commissioned by the NHS Race and Health Observatory, which reveals the true scale of health inequalities faced by ethnic minorities for the first time.

That’s that for the National Health Service then. As with those police forces it’ll just have to be defunded.

Hmm, what’s that? The NHS can be reformed so that it’s not racist you say? Ah, so where’s the proof that the universities, capitalism, Britain and all the rest cannot be then?


Civil Service - masters of detail


Charge of the Motor Brigade