That's the way it's going to work in a system like ours

This complaint here is so normal, usual, these days that it requires a certain change of mindset to understand why it's so odd:

The richest will reap 80% of the rewards from the tax and benefit changes that start to come into effect this week, while the poorest will become worse off, according to detailed analysis by the Resolution Foundation.

The independent thinktank’s research shows that the effect of £2bn of income tax cuts and more than £1bn of welfare cuts will add up to a huge transfer of wealth from low- and middle-income households to richer ones.

Assume that they've got their numbers right, not always a given with the Resolution Foundation. They are still of course wrong on logical grounds.

What is being transferred is income, not wealth and we're never going to get good economics unless we remember to distinguish between a stock and a flow. We would also need to recall that if we are to insist that this is wealth being transferred then all of Piketty's (and Saez and Zucman's) measures of wealth inequality - yea even including Oxfam's - are entirely wrong. For they specifically state in all those calculations that they do not count government transfers as being wealth.

Further, this isn't a transfer being done, is the stopping of a transfer already being done. It's more normally conservatives who insist that current arrangements are the natural ones, any changes from them being an upset to the natural order - but then there's nothing so conservative these days as a whining leftie, is there? 

But more importantly, what did anyone think would happen? The general aim at present, whether rightly or wrongly, is that the state should become rather smaller than it is. The aim is that that 44% or so of GDP which went through government in 2010 should decline back down to something more like 35%, something very much closer (if a little below) the post war average.

In a system where it's the richer people who carry the major part of the tax burden then it's going to be the richer people whose tax bills lighten more with a reduction in the size of the state. It's difficult to see how it could be otherwise, unless we're to load an ever greater portion of that smaller bill upon their wallets.

Actually, we'd be fine with that. Why not have a state burden of a size where it is only those on above median incomes who have to pay into it? As we say, we'd be fine with it, but given the Laffer Curve constraints on marginal tax rates we would have to point out that such a state would be very much smaller than even 35% of GDP. Something which would undoubtedly produce more whining lefties than the current lightening of the burden is.


Owen Paterson is exactly correct here


That appalling food insecurity report explained