The NHS is an historical relic, not a Wonder of the World

Given the anniversary we're going to get an awful lot more of this sort of rhetoric:

The NHS will celebrate its 70th birthday in 2018, after a difficult decade since the global financial crisis culminating in one of the most testing years in our history. The terrorist attacks in London and Manchester, along with the Grenfell Tower tragedy, saw all emergency services, including NHS staff, respond with skill and bravery.

Our health service, while still ranked among the best in the world, has never been busier. The NHS sees almost 1.5 million patients every day in England alone. So as well as celebrating its many achievements, in our landmark year we must also reaffirm our commitment to a taxpayer-funded service, based on clinical need and not the ability to pay.

In 1948, at the NHS’s founding, there were no routine antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs or blood pressure treatments, and infectious diseases were common. This has all changed, thanks in part to British science, which has brought the world vaccination, penicillin, IVF, stem cell transplants, artificial hips and MRI scanners, and knowledge of the structure of DNA.

But our greatest innovation by far, with the most far-reaching impact on the health of our nation, has been the NHS. It embodies the British social conscience. Since resources are very stretched, some may question the funding model, and suggest the NHS is not fit for the future. Nothing could be further from the truth. Scientific advances mean it is needed more now than ever before.

Certainly British science has informed what the NHS does. British science has also informed what all other health care systems do, so Bully for British Science! Yet the science of everywhere else has also informed what the NHS does - science is, after all, a public good.

However, what is really being celebrated here is the unique manner in which the NHS is organised, something thought so basic that it has replaced the CoE as the national religion.

The truth being - a useful, not complete, truth - that health care systems around the world are fossilised into whatever the favoured structure was in each country at the time that a health care service became a useful thing to have.

It is harsh but roughly true that pre-WWII the major function of hospitals and all was to provide bed rest. After WWII we began to have that scientific revolution which meant that active treatment of ever more conditions was likely to be successful. Exactly and precisely those vaccines which killed off many of the infectious diseases, the antibiotics, near any treatment for cancer other than hacking away and so on.

That we've got this wondrous science being applied to our health is just fabulous. But as we should be able to note this happens in all of the rich countries, it's something that is independent of the precise manner in which it is organised. Germany, France, Switzerland perhaps, rely upon state supported insurance, the US (and badly) on a more bureaucratic and also market approach (the combination of the two never likely to work well), our own NHS on a near Stalinist state provision model. These are just the ideas which were around in the varied places in the 40s and 50s when that science meant that a comprehensive health care system was viable and desirable.    

That Singapore, coming very much later to the game, has a very different structure (essentially, state run and paid for catastrophic care, forced savings accounts for routine) is really a reflection not of the underlying society but that we all knew more about the incentives that drive health care structures when it was designed. 

Leave entirely aside, for a moment, what we think the structure of a health care system should be. As all around us leap with joy over this anniversary we need to recall that the current NHS structure is only, really only, a reflection of how 1940s Britain thought things should be arranged. 1940s other places had a different ruling ethos which is why they have different health care structures. And there's absolutely nothing at all in the evidence since then to tell us that 1940s Britain had it right.

Far from being the Wonder of the World the NHS is an historical accident. Other places do it differently- it might be worth our considering whether that decision taken 70 years ago came to the right conclusion.


We must do as Polly Toynbee says, we should be more like Sweden


So why in the heck are we doing this in the first place?