We can't help but note that there's something wrong with this headline

Vaginal mesh left me in agony. When will women’s health be taken seriously?

This is rather a subject do jour at present and the problem is indeed real:

In the 21st century it is hard to imagine women being maimed in a surgery with risks that they are not being properly warned about.

This, however, is the reality of vaginal mesh. A net-like implant, it is used to treat incontinence or prolapse, conditions that have often, but not always, been caused by childbirth. Between 2006 and 2016, more than 92,000 women in England have been treated with a polypropylene surgical material that is either inserted as a mesh patch or a vaginal tape, known as TVT, TVTO and TOT.

There are indeed risks  and it's not for us to decide whether they are worth it or not. We also have no opinion on whether this specific treatment is good, as good as can be, or even acceptable.

However, we would rather like to insist that if someone has designed a treatment specifically to treat a common enough complaint in women, if that treatment is generally available at no marginal cost to he recipient, then we do rather think that both people and the system are taking women's health seriously.

That is, the very existence of vaginal mesh treatment is evidence of being serious. 


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