We'd better get fracking then, hadn't we?

Apparently this process of leaving the European Union is going to leave us all at the risk of freezing in the next cold winter. We do not think that this is a reasonable description of likely events if we're to be honest about it:

A hard Brexit deal with the European Union could leave the UK vulnerable to a gas crisis, MPs have warned.

In a report, the Commons’ Energy and Climate Change Committee said Britain was “heavily reliant on Europe” for imports of gas and electricity.

The EU is expected to agree a “solidarity principle” between member states, which essentially means they would help one another in event of a shortage of supply or major price increases.

The MPs warned that if the UK was excluded from this pact the Government “must urgently investigate alternative back-up arrangements”.

The North of England appears to be floating on a veritable ocean of natural gas. The oceans are dotted with LNG cargoes sniffing hopefully for some hint of a home.

The European Union has a bureaucratic committee willing to allocate natural gas to favoured recipients in a time of dearth.

At which point we really do have to remind everyone of the best manner of achieving security of supply. Which is to have multiple suppliers of whatever it is from multiple geographic (and political perhaps) areas. Rather than have one centralised bureaucracy making allocation decisions.

Thus the correct decision here, Brexit or no Brexit, would be to develop those alternative supplies - we should get fracking therefore. After all, as that report into the effects of Cuadrilla's test drillings pointed out - just the extra gas found by the one test well could lower European gas prices by 4%. We might well find ourselves sweetly enquiring of said bureaucratic committee whether we might help out with their shortness of supply?


But what if subsidies to pharmacies should be cut?


As we've been saying the solution is to blow up the Town and Country Planning Acts