Well, yes, Sir Simon, so let's have less of it

Simon Jenkins tells us that the entirety of British government is incompetent:

No government in Europe has had an easy ride over the past nine months, but none has had a worse one than Britain’s. Indecision on lockdown was followed by chaotic PPE supplies, the “world-beating” test-and-trace shambles, school exam confusion and now the multi-form bureaucratic deterrent to potential vaccinators.

We tend to think that’s a little unfair because the important question is always Thomas Sowell’s “Compared to what?”

Those PPE supplies may well have been make do and muddle through but that system worked rather better than the EU’s centrally coordinated efforts. As was true of the earlier dash for ventilators. The UK approved vaccines earlier and, bar Israel, seems to be getting more doses into arms more quickly than anywhere else. It’s difficult to point to anywhere that created an effective test and trace system once the coronavirus had become endemic.

But leave all that aside and consider the central point being made:

Coronavirus has revealed a country so ill-governed that current politicians cannot be blamed for all of it.


Come the inevitable inquiry into the events of the past year, it is not only politicians who should carry the can. All the components of Britain’s government, central and local, should be tested – the constitution as a whole should be under examination.

OK, British governance is terrible. So, let’s have less of it then. Free the people from this terrible ball and chain of incompetence, leave the money to pay for it fructifying in the pockets of the populace and watch as we become more efficient, more effective, freer and richer. We even have a little stock of plans and pointers, decades worth of them, about how exactly to do this.


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