Will Hutton recommends satire to reverse Brexit

According to Will Hutton a show from the Fringe should be mounted in every constituency in order to satirise Brexit. The aim, of course, being that showing those who support it as they truly are we'll all decide it was a jolly jape but now we'll be sensible and stay in:

But when we’re faced with the next test of public opinion, however it happens, the economic case for continued EU membership and having a say in its rule-making has to be rammed home, along with the high ground argument about making common cause with European countries who share our values against the world’s Donald Trumps and President Xis.

But above all, let’s make the EU case full of hope – and, on top, a carnival of fun and mockery. There must be multiple versions of Brexit the Musical mounted in every pro-Leave constituency in the country, continually revised as every twist and turn in the story becomes ever more incredible. Every old people’s home, every ex-mining or ex-steel town, every seaside resort fearful of immigration should see the show and laugh at Brexit. Let’s smile our way to victory – and use satire, that most British of reflexes, to consign Brexiters to history.

We do, of course, agree that satire has its place, is most British and that it can be extremely effective. Wodehouse certainly contributed to the laughter at Moseley with his black footer bags comments.

However, we would also remind that satire is not the only tool available. Truth works too:

We are looking disaster in the face. A British version of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac must be created now. Legislation to create a Gordon Mac should be introduced before the summer recess. It should be operating by the end of September. Nor is this just an economic gambit. It will be opposed by the Conservatives as an 'anti-business' public intervention. They are wrong. The only way out of this crisis is to embrace the politics of public purpose rooted in the economics of Keynes. Mr Brown has an opportunity to restore the housing market, the economy and his political fortunes. He must act.

That was, of course, Will Hutton, writing on 22 June 2008. Some 10 weeks before Fannie and Freddie were declared bust and taken into conservatorship.

With economic and political predictive perspicacity like that who needs satire?


An odd thing to complain about


It's not a Brexit divorce bill, it's actually the price of staying in