You'll never guess who owns the politically allocated property

No, really, you won’t:

A commercial farmer has been evicted from his land in Zimbabwe six weeks after the government announced a “historic” deal with dispossessed white landowners.

Martin Grobler, 63, and his wife Debbie were given hours to vacate their home by the new owner, an official from the lands ministry, who arrived with a sheriff, a court order and a lorry full of police.

Isn’t that a terrific surprise? It’s the same feature of political allocation of property that leads to councillors sitting on the housing committee gaining dobs on 3 bed mansion flats owned by the council. When it is political power that determines allocation then those with political power will be allocated to.

The advantage of it being money that decides such allocations is that you only gain money - in a free market system - by producing something that other people will voluntarily give you money for. That is, it is necessary to benefit other people before gaining title to that property. Instead of, under a political system, first gaining power by promising all sorts of benefits then enjoying the property without necessarily delivering them.

Just another one of those joys of the market - results first, rewards later.


Tax Justice UK seem to have a problem with numbers


Interview with Rainer Zitelmann