Miscellaneous Tom Clougherty Miscellaneous Tom Clougherty

Young Writer on Liberty 2011


The Adam Smith Institute invites you to enter our annual student competition, Young Writer on Liberty. This year’s theme is:

“Three policy challenges: how libertarians should respond”

In order to enter the competition, you must write three separate, blog-style articles, none of which may exceed 400 words in length. Any articles exceeding the word limit will be excluded.

Each article should identify a contemporary policy challenge, and then explain how libertarians – that is, people who believe in liberty, free markets and limited government – should respond.

You could, for example, look at the banking crisis and suggest a policy response. Or you could point to the growth of the surveillance state, and propose ways of restricting government power. Or you could look at the defects of the welfare state, and outline an alternative approach.

Those are just suggestions, and there are a huge range of other options you could choose from. Just pick up a newspaper and ideas should spring from the pages!

To enter, you must be aged 21 or under at the time of entry. Submissions should be emailed to tom.clougherty@old.adamsmith.org no later than Sunday 29 May. Please put ‘Young Writer on Liberty’ in the subject line.

Top prize is £500, three books on liberty, and two weeks work experience at that Adam Smith Institute. All three of the winners articles will be published here, on old.adamsmith.org. Second prize is two books on liberty, and two articles published here. Third prize is one book on liberty, and one article published here.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Freedom forum 2011


This year is the inaugural Liberty League conference, kindly hosted by the Institute of Economic Affairs and the Freedom Association.

For £20 (and a £10 deposit refunded on registration) they've booked out the entire Hatters Hostel, so will provide your accommodation, meals, drink, free books and videos, and give you the chance to meet other young pro-liberty activists from all over the UK. You’ll have the chance to see and meet some of the liberty movement’s best speakers, take part in seminars, and learn from activist training workshops.

The list of speakers is growing every day, but Tom Clougherty of the Adam Smith Institute, Steve Davies of the Institute of Economic Affairs, Alex Deane formerly of Big Brother Watch, Claire Fox of the Institute of Ideas, John Hemming MP of the Liberal Democrats, Mark Littlewood of the Institute of Economic Affairs, and Simon Richards of the Freedom Association have already been confirmed.

Date: 1st to 3rd April

Venue: Birmingham and Midland Institute, and Hatters Hostel, Birmingham.

You can apply here: http://uklibertyleague.org/forum/

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

More bleeding hearts

To believe that well-being is our highest moral value tells us little to nothing about what kind of political institutions we ought to have. To get to that conclusion we need to know what will happen given this or that set of political institutions. We need empirical commitments to bridge the gap between our values and the set of political institutions best able to realize or promote those values. . . .

While I share liberal value commitments, I have certain empirical beliefs that lead me to prefer the libertarian set of political institutions. But it’s not for any natural rights reasons, nor for any Randian reasons. It’s all about improving the well-being of people in general (regardless of their country of birth), and getting resources into the hands of those who desperately need them. Those ends are better served by the free and open market. Those ends are better served by a tiny, tiny government, limited in scope. That’s what I really believe.

Peter Jaworski, "The Volunteer"

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Server Problems


Apologies for the lack of blogging over the last couple of days. As you may have noticed, we’ve been having a few server problems. For the moment, we’re back up and running, and hopefully there won’t be any more issues. Thank you to everyone who called or emailed to say how much they were missing us. Your loyalty and enthusiasm is much appreciated!

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Miscellaneous Wordsmith Miscellaneous Wordsmith

Something for the weekend...

As I read and thought over what he taught, a new window was opened in my mind. I lost my faith in the great machine; I saw that thinking and acting for others had always hindered not helped the real progress; that all forms of compulsion deadened the living forces in a nation; that every evil violently stamped out still persisted, almost always in a worse form, when driven out of sight, and festered under the surface. I no longer believed that the handful of us however well-intentioned we might be spending our nights in the House, could manufacture the life of a nation, could endow it out of hand with happiness, wisdom and prosperity, and clothe it in all the virtues.

Auberon Herbert (1838–1906) on Herbert Spencer (1820–1903)

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Miscellaneous Sam Bowman Miscellaneous Sam Bowman

The Liberty League


Three friends of the Adam Smith Institute are launching a new libertarian organization tomorrow, the Liberty League. They aim for it to be a network for grassroots libertarian and classical liberal people to coordinate events in the UK, and has a board of advisors from various UK and US libertarian groups.

They’re hoping to use Twitter as their main mouthpiece at the moment, which I think is a great idea. It’s a useful medium because it allows for very fast – and concise – conversations with friends. I’m not going to write a long post about the wonders of social media for grassroots campaigning organizations, but obviously being able to spread information and communicate so widely so cheaply is a very good thing for groups like the Liberty League. (And, of course, the Adam Smith Institute.)

I wish the best of luck to the guys at the Liberty League. Their website it here and their twitter feed is here. Check them out.

Update: I forgot to mention the group's Facebook page. A sign of the shifting relevance of social networking websites?

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Miscellaneous Sam Bowman Miscellaneous Sam Bowman

It's getting better all the time

We obviously don’t live in a perfectly libertarian world, but libertarians have had a pretty impressive winning streak in recent decades, especially on economic policy. Income tax rates are way down. Numerous industries have been deregulated. Most price controls have been abandoned. Competitive labor markets have steadily displaced top-down collective bargaining. Trade has been steadily liberalized.

Simultaneously, the intellectual climate has shifted to be dramatically more favorable to libertarian insights. Wage and price controls were a standard tool of economic policymaking in the 1970s. No one seriously advocates bringing them back today. The top income tax bracket in the 1950s was north of 90 percent. Today, the debate is whether the top rate will be 35 percent or 39 percent.

Timothy B. Lee


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