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China: Reevaluating Relations Post-Pandemic

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China was ground zero for Coronavirus. The authorities lied about the outbreak, brutally censored whistleblowers and allowed it to spread across the world. This has caused an extraordinary loss of life and economic damage.

This latest scandal comes after brutal crackdowns on Hong Kong democracy protesters, Xinjiang re-education camps, unlawful expansionism in the South China Sea and increasing domestic authoritarianism and nationalism led by President Xi.

It was assumed that China’s accession to the World Trade Organisation in 2001 would lead to a liberal, democratic opening up. Recent events, however, raise fundamental questions about China’s position in the global order and relationship with the West.

What role should China play in international organisations? How dependent should Western nations be on Chinese supply chains, manufacturing and technology for essential goods and sensitive domestic infrastructure? What are the implications of China’s ‘Belt and Road’ and ‘String of Pearls’ initiative?

In our seventh webinar, our expert panel will explore these questions and more.


John Macdonald is the Head of Government Affairs at the Adam Smith Institute.

Dr Jonathan Ward is the author of “China’s Vision of Victory” (2019), an exploration of China’s grand strategy and the implications for US foreign policy response.

Latika Bourke is a journalist with Sydney Morning Herald and The Age based in London, who has reported extensively Australia’s relationship to China.

Juliet Samuel is a columnist at the Daily Telegraph and a Fellow at Policy Exchange, who has written about Westminster's shifting attitudes to China.

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