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February TNG with Helen Dale

For our second TNG of 2018, we're hosting "Australian literature’s lone classical liberal", Helen Dale. She is a regular contributor to The Spectator and winner of the Miles Franklin Literary Award for her book The Hand that Signed the Paper.

At the TNG she'll be discussing the classical liberal themes of her new book, Kingdom of the Wicked (which will be on sale for a discounted price). These include free speech, abuse of executive power, and state-sponsored torture.

The Next Generation (TNG) is the Adam Smith Institute’s network for young classical liberals and libertarians. Unfortunately we have limited space, so the event is reserved for under 30s.

As ever, there will be complimentary red and white wine on offer.

Please don't turn up before 6pm, as we will not be able to let you in. We hope you can make it.

RSVP on Facebook! 

30 January

Prof Michael Mainelli on Smart Ledgers

6 March

March TNG with Gillian Keegan MP