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March TNG with Gillian Keegan MP

For our third TNG of 2018, we're hosting hotly-tipped Tory MP Gillian Keegan: Chichester's first female member of Parliament.

Before being elected to Parliament in 2017, Gillian enjoyed a successful 27-year career in international business. She'll be drawing on that experience to explore what politicians could learn from the world of business, and will also discuss making the move from business to politics.

The Next Generation (TNG) is the Adam Smith Institute’s network for young classical liberals and libertarians. Unfortunately we have limited space, so the event is reserved for under 30s.

As ever, there will be complimentary red and white wine on offer.

Please don't turn up before 6pm, as we will not be able to let you in. We hope you can make it.

RSVP on Facebook! 

6 February

February TNG with Helen Dale

28 March

Prof Paul Cheshire on the harms of planning restrictions