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Kick 'em While They're Down? The case against Covid-19 tax hikes

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After a year of lockdowns and restricted revenues, the private sector had been hoping that the Budget 2021 might be a look ahead at good times to come.

The Chancellor’s outriders appear to have different opinions however with leaks of proposed tax rises on the way from the fiscal event on Wednesday 3rd March.

One of these, Corporation Tax, is seen as the most likely to be implemented and the least likely to meet resistance from the public at large — with the Treasury said to be thinking of the tax rise as an appropriate measure to impose on companies that have done well during the pandemic to help get the country’s finances back on track.

But what signal would the tax rise show? Why is the Chancellor ignoring calls from the Left, Right, and previous Prime Ministers to avoid raising taxes at all costs while the economy remains closed? Why is a Conservative government looking at imposing austerity on the private sector?

To discuss all this and more ahead of the Budget our Matt Kilcoyne is joined by Daniel Bunn of the Tax Foundation, John O’Connell of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, Emma Revell from the Institute of Economic Affairs, and Tom Clougherty from the Centre for Policy Studies.

Join us at 6pm GMT Tuesday 2nd March.


Matt Kilcoyne, Deputy Director, ASI (host)

Daniel Bunn, Vice President of Global Projects at the Tax Foundation

John O’Connell, Chief Executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance

Emma Revell, Head of Public Affairs at the Institute of Economic Affairs

Tom Clougherty, Head of Tax at the Centre for Policy Studies


Date: Tuesday, 2nd March 2021
Time: 6.00pm - 7.00pm (UK time)

The webinar will begin at 6.00pm, with an audience Q&A session taking place at approximately 6.45pm. The webinar will conclude at 7.00pm.

23 February


9 March

The Budget: Best or Bust for Britain?