The Condensed Wealth of Nations


Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations is one of the most important books ever written and yet, his book is rarely read today. Dr Eamonn Butler's The Condensed Wealth of Nations and The Incredibly Condensed Theory of Moral Sentiments condenses Smith's work in a way that is accessible and readable to any intelligent layman. 

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Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations is one of the most important books ever written and yet, his book is rarely read today. Dr Eamonn Butler's The Condensed Wealth of Nations and The Incredibly Condensed Theory of Moral Sentiments condenses Smith's work in a way that is accessible and readable to any intelligent layman. 

Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations is one of the most important books ever written and yet, his book is rarely read today. Dr Eamonn Butler's The Condensed Wealth of Nations and The Incredibly Condensed Theory of Moral Sentiments condenses Smith's work in a way that is accessible and readable to any intelligent layman.